Discovery, development and deployment: Bringing fusion energy from science to society.

At the University of Wisconsin - Madison, Department of Nuclear Engineering & Engineering Physics.

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The Wright Lab is a multi-disciplinary research team, bringing together cutting edge insights from physics, applied mathematics and computer science to enable the development and deployment of fusion as an energy technology. Our group cultivates an integrated, interdisciplinary research program that spans plasma physics, nonlinear dynamics, high-performance computing, and issues of nuclear energy technology design and deployment at the science and society interface.

Drawing on our PI’s unique experience, we operate at the interface of science and policy to examine the drivers that shape the climate into which nascent nuclear energy technologies are deployed. Through the lens of science diplomacy, we examine how issues, both domestic and international, scaffold relationships between stakeholders across borders and sectors.

We combine cutting-edge numerical simulation with modern applied mathematics to overcome critical macroscopic physics challenges of magnetic confinement fusion, paving the way for deployment of nuclear fusion technologies as part of a sustainable energy solution.

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Focus on new faculty: Adelle Wright is bridging the gap between fusion science and real world energy technology


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© A. M. Wright (2025)